Sunday, January 25, 2009


oopps forgot my late dinner post (i ate at 8;30!)

it was... homemade marinara sauce YUM, with steamed broccoli, red peppers, carrots & zuchinni, & grilled balsamic chicken.. to die for. and then i had a little dessert but ate it tooo fast so i took a pic of what it was after consumed =) (pudding and reddi whip) & of COURSE my late night snack of popsecret 100 cal pack.. some cottage cheeeese with craisins & tea! good night!


Anonymous said...

Hey erin! thanks for the comment on my bloggaa.. im glad you commented me because your posts are so cute! i love the way you talk, i was smiling through reading all your entries haha. your dogs are adorable aswell. anyway. i will be adding you to my blogroll missess.. have a good day xxx

Sophia Lee said...

yum, cottage cheese! but why don't you try 2%? the taste is SO much better, and it isn't so much more calories than 0% anyway, and it'd be one step closer to defeating ED!
good luck and you're doing great, so keep it up girl~

Anonymous said...

omg you don't suck at all! i'm new to blogging too, i only started mine this month. we can build our way up together aiiit?!? haha. i live just outside north london :) i love your banner at the top, paris is soooo gorgeous. do you go there a lot? i've only been once! ha. once was enough to fuel the passion though. mmmhm xxxx

aussirish said...

hi girlie,
thanks for the comment, it was really sweet and made me smile lol :)

i live in ireland so i go to ucd ( university college sure u havent heard of it if your from america?)

great din dins, looks so yummy!!

hope your having a great monday hun