Thursday, January 29, 2009


i need to vent.

i guess this is only me, but i HATE it .. when people are in the room when i make my meals.. welll only because my mom used to always WATCH me and my dad too and i feel like they still dooo & it irritates me so much..

but just now i was about to cook my dinner when my brother who is two years older than me comes waltzing in with his girlfriend,, who is my age.. i got so uncomfortable i left the skillet on and walked out of the room fuming. i over react but i just don't feel comfortable cooking in front of other people because i constantly feel like im being watched..

also i get really irritable when i don't eat. you DO NOT want to be around me...

any one else or am i alone on this??

anyway, this is what i had:

1/2 cup black beans, fresh turkey & some egg beaters with pepper stir fry mix, some cauliflower & added pineapple for flava flavvv..

me and my mexican i swear!
i want some berrrylicious pumpkiny cottage cheese for dessert!!!


Anonymous said...

I really only hate when my parents watch me cook. I used to have a few eating issues, but I'm pretty much completely over it. When there is anything that has to do with food, my mom watches me like a hawk. I HATE IT. I mean c'mon, I'm 19... She doesn't understand that you can eat a healthy diet and still get enough to eat! Drives me insane!

Anonymous said...

Haha no problem. I just go to school here. I am from Texas.

Kiki said...

Mmm, you're definitely not alone. I feel like whoever is in the kitchen while I'm cooking is scrutinizing what I'm eating, like "ew, why is she eating so much?" Then I feel really guilty, like I shouldn't eat, It's irration and stupid and sucky, but such is life. Hopefully we can get over it soon.

Woo Mexican scrambled eggs!

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I, too have always felt judged and watched when cooking, and now, living in a sorority you can imagine people are ALWAYS around in the kitchen, watching, peering at what I'm doing. Stay strong and just remember these things take time, and they weren't judging you! BTW, you dinner looked great-yum!

Simple and Divine said...

I C0MPLETELY F0LL0W... I hate eating w/ others / having ppl there when i prepare my food. But it's a work in progress

aussirish said...

hi girlie,
sorry i didnt comment yest..i was m.i.a from the bloggin world!!

ok so i comepletely relate to getting mad when ppl watch me cook/eat. i feel so uncomfortable eating around anyone but my mum and get angry and end up being like what the hell are u looking at when someones in the room...i think i get very obsessive and overreactive about it. somthhing to work on i guess??

yay its friday :) hope ur having a great day!!
much love

Anonymous said...

I get very irritable when I don't eat because I'm hypoglycemic so when the blood sug starts to crash, you just don't want to be around me ;)

That's a yummy dinner! Pumpkin CC? Oh my gosh, girl! Sounds fabulous :)