Wednesday, January 28, 2009

heeeeelllo there!

HELLLOO MY PRETTIES. okay so today i went to the gym, felt so accomplished. love it love it.
next i came home and nibbled on a carrot, orrrr two.. :)
then i showereed and went OUT to lunch with my mom.. i still haven't told her about the blog so was unable to take pics
but we went to a nice mexicanooo ristorante AY AY AY CARRRAMBA.

i got a bed o lettuce layered with black beans, corn, "grilled veggies" peppers, zuchini, squash, mushroom & onion with TILAPIA & southwestern lime dressing.
needless to say it was outstanding
i also nibbled on my moms veggie chili and some chiperoonis.

thenn i got my passport reneweed and my mom asked me if
"i would like to go to the south of spain for the week BEFORE we go to paris..."
what do you think I said?????

YAY. spain!
so then i went food shopping and was feeling hungry so i chomped some of these fruits while in the store.. my bad Kings....

A NEW FIND. you probably all hate fiber one bars, but i HEART them.

our OVERLOADED pantry. its redic. & embaressing.

ooops. my caught with my hand in the bag. oh well. ;)

okay, layer of raspberries, blueberries, strawberries
followed by a dollop of FLUFF, some mini marshmellows, *fat free* chocolate sauce ( i had no idea chocolate sauce could be fat free.. apparently so) , a spoonful of strawberry jam, cinnamon, whipped cream & some cinnamon roll cracker things


it was rediculous.

K be backkk lattta ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just found your blog. Love that Paris pic! Great fruit concoction!

Have a great night!

Kiki said...

Grrrr I'm so jealous of your traveling plans! Spain sounds so amazing! Glad you had a nice time at the gym and out to lunch with your mom. The berry combo sounds divine!

Enjoy your evening <3

Lydia O'Connor said...

Thank you for the sweet, sweet comment! I'm so happy you love San Francisco! Everyone always tries to compare it to New York and it always gets second place, but they are SUCH different places. Can't compare.
And I read your about me, and it makes me so happy to see you enjoying such DELICIOUS food. My best friend in middle school missed all of 8th grade for treatment and when I finally saw her eat a cupcake the next year after we had graduated and then reunited, I cried.
Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Fiber One bars!!! But is that a chocolate mocha one?!?! WHERE DID YOU GET IT?!?!
I love the chocolate one, and the pb&oat one is ridiculoussssly good!

And to answer your question- my roommate knows about my ED but doesn't know about this blog. She also doesn't know much about ED so it doesn't even phase her.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sweet comment! Your pantry is totally ridic. In a good way! And I need that fruit now. Seriously. Yummmmmy.
And I'm so jealous of your trip!